summer slump

A period during summer in which a person performs inefficiently due to the excessive amount of free time on their hands. The symptoms often include: -remaining around the house for the majority of the day, -sleeping in excessive amounts, -persistent viewing of television, -prolonged exposure to video games, -neglecting personal hygiene, -consuming large quantities of food (in most cases, junk food), -loss of desire to leave their residence, -and abstaining contact from the outside world other than Myspace/Facebook or the occasional trip to 7-11. Causes: Lack of school or a job, absence of friends, insufficient funds, and/or lack of transportation. Effects: Moodiness, weight gain, shortness of breath (most likely when a patient returns to school and must run the mile), insomnia, increase of nerdiness, shrinkage of intimacy, and/or depression.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to summer slump. Some of the top words include: Square Roots, Pooty, craze, dody, Early Weakness, and 25 more.